Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween to all. It was a beautiful night for tricks or treating. Chance and Cam had a great time. I had Jay bring them out tonight and I stayed home to hand out candy. I really enjoy doing that. 2 hours later they came back with their bags plump full. They were exhausted. It was funny because the first thing they did was dumped out all their candy and sorted it into piles. It brought me back to when I was a kid and used to do that. As for Clay, he went out with friends to get candy. For his costume they all wore their hunting vests. Now I have three 7th graders in my living room talking smack. We are having them over night. We will see if I get any sleep. We need a bigger house!! Oh yeh, if your wondering who Chance was, he is young Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars.

Camryn's Halloween party

It's so fun to be Camryn's teacher. I get to be at all of her fun things at school. We had a Halloween party for her class this week and the kids had so much fun. It is so fun to see their excitement. She wanted to dress up as a pumpkin for her class party and for the real trick or treating she dressed up as a princess. It's so sweet to see the friendships that she has made and how she likes to play with everyone. Enjoy the pics.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

fall fun

Fall is here!!

Saturday was a beautiful day and we spent it outside raking leaves, carving and painting pumpkins. We watched our neighbor kids also, so the kids had a blast playing all day. We also had Grandma Joan here for the weekend and it was nice to visit and spend time with her. It was a great fall day.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Remembering Kendra

Tomorrow, Oct. 20th, we remember our daughter Kendra's life. It was a short 1 year, but she filled our hearts with more love, compassion, and joy that we can't describe. We believe that Kendra is watching over us. We remember her when we see a monarch butterfly fluttering by, we remember her in the gentle breeze that blows, we remember her in the beauty of a flower or the laughter of my children. Take the time to enjoy these things and every time that you see them, think of our Kendra bug. Please visit Kendra's website at the left.